Back Debt Collection Prevention Repayment supervision Field visits Follow-up letters Summons Identification, agreements, repayment schedule, appointments Recalls maturity SMS Monitoring the repayment schedule Information sessions and reports Pre-Litigation and Litigation… read more →
Back Analysis and accounting assistance Preparation of financial statements Payroll and Human Resources Research assistance credit Financial analysis Management consulting
CIEL is a learning-by-doing training program linking education and entrepreneurship to transform traditional schools into entrepreneurship innovation-based experimental learning labs. CIEL promotes dynamic interchange of ideas, shared learning, teamwork, innovation,… read more →
Co-Production is a problem solving methodology that regards ‘problem’ people as assets and as co-producers of outcomes. During a four-week course, Co-Production changes the lives of entrepreneurs, managers, and leaders… read more →
CORY Solutions enable young rural women and men to create sustainable farm and non-farm businesses by building their entrepreneurial capacities for enhanced peer learning and access to complementary business development… read more →
EIBEL is an entrepreneurship innovation-based experimental learning model based on a methodology that favors research over guesswork, experimentation over elaborate planning, client feedback over expert intuition, and interactive design over… read more →