African Youth Forum 2014

With half of Africa’s population under 25 years old, youth are a critical component of the continent’s development agenda. This event provides a global platform for development experts and young people to explore detailed solutions to development challenges, such as youth employment. The discussion will be centered around the themes of education, health, good governance and entrepreneurship, and how each can influence a productive economy, job creation and the role young people can play in the development agenda in their countries.

The objective of the African Youth Forum is to empower and engage Africa’s youth by providing a platform where they can actively participate in discussing, evaluating and implementing Africa’s development agenda.

Event Title : African Youth Forum 2014
Date : Thurday, July 31st, 2014
Time : 9:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. ( 13:00 – 17:30 GMT )
Place : Online

Sponsored by


World Bank Group

Washington, DC


International Monetary Fund Young African Society
New York